Fauxku Choo Choo (the play's the thing)
best grass or worst
no matter here
it keeps our panties lit
through shitty times

real estate browsing
red dirt shows through
photoshopped grass
billy wrote:welcome to the site. make it your own, wear it like a well loved slipper and wear it out. ella pleads:please click forum titles for posting guidelines, important threads. New poet? Try Poetic DevicesandWard's Tips

real estate browsing
red dirt shows through
photoshopped grass

nothing is as it seems
these seams sown
in LED glow

nothing is as it seems
these seams sown
in LED glow

"My LED's", you said,
"they glow for you!"
"And where?", I said.
(There was no answer.)

                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
"My LED's", you said,
"they glow for you!"
"And where", I said.
(There was no answer.)

My LEDs flicker,
reminding me how easily
you can scroll off the screen.
billy wrote:welcome to the site. make it your own, wear it like a well loved slipper and wear it out. ella pleads:please click forum titles for posting guidelines, important threads. New poet? Try Poetic DevicesandWard's Tips

break the addiction
see how long you can be
off the screen

breathe in the pixels
dance on tight screens
addiction is limitless

breathe in the pixels
dance on tight screens
addiction is limitless

addiction, in the aggregate, is limitless
but we
are not

                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
addiction, in the aggregate, is limitless 
but we
are not

rad diction ex. 1:
"but we are not wee big man
dae ye ken like?"
feedback award wae aye man ye radgie
<Note to ambrosial...wtf dude, am I ,sposed to do with that!>

rad diction ex. 1:

"but we are not wee big man
dae ye ken like?"

yer diction is showing
and it's but a wee thing
just the ken I like.

yer diction is showing
and it's but a wee thing
just the ken I like.

I kenna see your we and weth;
your weth smelt we, your we smelt weth.
Your wee though thet, it smelt just so;
I love your wee, don't let mine go.

                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
looks as if
no one at all wants
to touch your wee
it smelts

a wee touch
of fish oil behind the ears
smelts good

behind the house
I learned a new use
for oil

behind every successful front
is a well-oiled behind

                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
behind every successful front
is a well-oiled behind

already behind a day
my goose
is well-cooked
billy wrote:welcome to the site. make it your own, wear it like a well loved slipper and wear it out. ella pleads:please click forum titles for posting guidelines, important threads. New poet? Try Poetic DevicesandWard's Tips

already behind a day
my goose
is well-cooked

the future is an illusion
the goose is an illusion
want to find god?
sit still
                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
the future is an illusion
the goose is an illusion
want to find god?
sit still

if god is looking
he knows where to find me
illusion is enough
billy wrote:welcome to the site. make it your own, wear it like a well loved slipper and wear it out. ella pleads:please click forum titles for posting guidelines, important threads. New poet? Try Poetic DevicesandWard's Tips


if god is looking
he knows where to find me
illusion is enough

god is an illusion
she can't find you
but i can
prepare to die
                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
each day
live the illusion
death will find you

death, the day and
life's illusion
will live forever
death, the day and 
life's illusion
will live forever

my ambition is to
live forever
so far
so good
feedback award wae aye man ye radgie
my ambition is to
live forever
so far
so good

ambition lives forever
outside the ambit
of good
ambition lives forever
outside the ambit
of good

good lives
good lives

I am bit ion
good days are positive
bad days are negative
feedback award wae aye man ye radgie

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