NaPM 2018, Please Read This
Yay! It's over!

Thanks Todd, for your direction, and thanks all, for being there in the struggle. And for writing.
You're welcome, guys. It's been fun as always. I just posted my final one. So, yes yay! it's over.
The secret of poetry is cruelty.--Jon Anderson
Thanks Todd,
Enjoyed the challenge(s).
Thanks for doing this. I was very busy this month, so I only had the time/energy to do one of the prompts, but I plan to revisit this through May and June.
Yay! 30 in 30... feels like an x-box achievement Smile

Thanks Todd, this was a lot of fun. Enjoyed the whole process of writing and reading what everyone wrote.
Time is the best editor.
Ditto to several, the challenges this time were all excellent.  Can't help but feel few of my responses did them justice, unlike the fine material other contributors provided.

And now, back to anything that comes up the road.  Cheers!
feedback award Non-practicing atheist
Thank you Todd for all the great prompts and the extra duties you undertook, much appreciated. I fear I rather crashed and burned this year, but the prompts are not going anywhere so plenty of time to snail my way through them. Congrats, to all who crossed the finish line and thank you for some wonderful reads, it’s always interesting to see how warped and deranged the pig pen really is Big Grin

If your undies fer you've been smoking through em, don't peg em out

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