I Didn't Know You Guys Were Friends
I found this in my notebook, not quite sure why i wrote it or what it was about. Im pretty sure it was after my week stay in a hospital after a suicide attempt...i felt very betrayed and exposed, so those are the root feelings, i think.

When I was locked up, I trusted you
with the only knife that would hurt me,
the only secrets others couldn’t know.
You turned, gave them all to the jailer,
and walked away from my screams.
Sometimes I feel like writing poetry and sometimes I watch Netflix. No judging.
I'm intrigued by the title meaning. It seems something that's personal to you rather than it being open for interpretation. The rest reads almost like a haiku or its predecessor in that it's short imagery with bursts of poetic power, which I like. I'm not a fan of "knives" being used in poetry, feel like I've heard too many of those poems in Intro to Poetry classes, but your poem comes across as visceral and real. Life experience is good for that.
This is sums up betrayal pretty well, both with friends and on a more serious level like your experience in a hospital. There's something awful about that feeling of like, "HI I DIDN'T KNOW YOU TWO WERE ACQUAINTED" that makes your stomach drop, like when an adult promises they won't get mad if you tell the truth so you do it and they get mad anyways, or when you find out the guy you liked had a girlfriend the whole time and you didn't know, or when your friend is somehow magically friends with a person who wronged you deeply. I particularly like the line, "You turned, gave them all to the jailer...," because it seems like it's indicating more than one kind of turning, not just turning away physically, but like, turning ON you.

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