what is breakfast?
Is it the first bit of food you pop into your mouth after waking up, no matter how small?
Would a single chocolate square be breakfast? A couple of peanuts?
Or does it have to be something substantial, like a slice of bread?

Where does the line lie?
Br eakfast is my favorite time of year
Peanut butter honey banana sandwiches
If we are being literal, the letter of the law,  then it is anything that breaks the fast.  According to intermittent fasting rules, anything other than water or tea or black coffee breaks your fast.  So, yes, one small chocolate can be a literal breakfast.

However, in the spirit of the law, breakfast as a true meal should be whatever it is that you eat to tide yourself over to the next meal. If you eat one chocolate upon waking and then nothing else until noon, then the chocolate is still breakfast.  If you have chocolate and then later have bacon and eggs and toast, then the chocolate was an appetizer, not a meal. 

If you begin your day with a chocolate and then move on to beef and potatoes, then neither is breakfast but instead you are eating your day in reverse.
The Soufflé isn’t the soufflé; the soufflé is the recipe. --Clara 
Assume a total of 2000 kilocalories per day.
That's 650 per meal for 3 meals and 500 for 4.
Since meals tend to vary a lot and we're looking for a lower bound,
I think 250 seems a reasonable line.

"Or does it have to be something substantial, like a slice of bread?"

What? A piece of bread is usually a 100 or less so you calling it "substantial"
makes me think our concepts of reality might be a touch misaligned. Smile
(My slices of home made bread, by the way, are totally divorced from
my reality and probably yours as well.)

Why, for me, this is totally theoretical:
My life isn't structured by people (live alone), job (don't have one), or sleep cycle
(last few days: 2-10pm, 6-9pm, 3-7am, 1-6pm, etc.). So my meals aren't differentiated
by a name like breakfast or by time of day or by food type (I'm a cheap vegetarian
so my mainstay is legumes with brown rice/whole grain/corn). The whole grain is
usually home-made bread cuz I love to make bread. When I cook I tend to make large
amounts approx. 6,000 kilocalories so I don't cook as often and I just eat a variable
amount when I'm hungry 2 to 6 times a "day" (whatever that is) until it's used up.
                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
breakfast is what I eat
when I haven't eaten
for some long time.
If you get in my way
it might be you, with
a side of hash browns, on
buttered multigrain toast.
I like to have a high-fiber cereal
with almond milk and plain yogurt
topped with fresh fruit
just after my bottle of stout
and morning cigarette
A breakfast of stout
and cigarettes are
too high brow for me.
I prefer two fingers--
make it four, of bourbon
and, of course, organic
fruit and sustainable granola.
I don't endorse cold pizza
on a cold and starving AM

when a few minutes in a hot oven
has it tasting like midnight again
Breakfast is the sum
of mounting hunger
added despite the night
against mother's advice
only coffee and avarice
pawns in another's fight

Mid-night's oven passed,
could I taste her again?

I see breakfast in that
Cherrios and milk grin.

(10-05-2023, 01:10 PM)Tiger the Lion Wrote:  I don't endorse cold pizza
on a cold and starving AM

when a few minutes in a hot oven
has it tasting like midnight again
This was exceptional.
(10-05-2023, 12:43 PM)Tiger the Lion Wrote:  I like to have a high-fiber cereal
with almond milk and plain yogurt
topped with fresh fruit
just after my bottle of stout
and morning cigarette

(10-05-2023, 12:50 PM)brynmawr1 Wrote:  A breakfast of stout
and cigarettes are
too high brow for me.
I prefer two fingers--
make it four, of bourbon
and, of course, organic
fruit and sustainable granola.

Bourbon's lower brow than stout?
That's hard to figure out
just when forgotten fingers
number fingers? It's that clear stuff
sloshing out of plastic bottles
midnight comes again
before or after breakfast
mornings turn to midnight
mourning breakfast.
                                                                                                                i used to know a lotta stuff, but i still have eight cats
Full English  (a list poem)

blood pudding
fried bread
brown sauce
milky tea

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