Small grave,
browning grass -
Nan leaves her flowers.
getting there.

normally i'd say leaver out the her. but as there is also a bread called nan i think it a must that you leave it in.

i think it passes all the criteria jack. i'd have liked to have seen a stronger image but that would be a nit considering you finally did one Wink

@billy - Thanks for the feedback and kind wordsSmile The haiku originally read:

Thumbnail tombstone,
browning grass -
Nan leaves her flowers. We go.

I thought the first line skirted a bit too close to metaphor, and a friend advised me that the last two words weren't really needed.
Great to know I'm getting there!Smile
you have two cut offs in the original.
and i agree with you about te first line.
try swapping lines fro a cleaner image/ ie;

brown grass
on small grave
nan leaves her flowers.

try not to use grammar
Would it work if I put a dash after "grave," to illustrate the cutting point?


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