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the fact i don't seem to find any time to write a poem Sad at present i'm scouring the net for stuff to use as aids for writing in the form of books, poetry and radio broadcast. i don't suffer from writers blocks or anything.
i know jack has collage and todd is involved in another site. and i think lawrence is at collage as well. how do you guys sort out the time for writing poetry. if i could get an hour i could write a poem. thing is i try and repley to every post on the site (not just the poetry side of it). don't get me wrong, i'm not crying about it hehe. i just wondered how others make the time to write.

i will put an hour aside later to do at leat one poem Blush


Yay! I'll give criticisms and comments shortly.

Well, I keep very odd hours; I'm up until early morning and sleep until after noon. This eccentric schedule creates a 5 hour window where I've got the house to myself! Most of that time is spent listening to the audiobooks, talking to a few friends, playing chess, and just dicking around in general. I normally give myself the two hours before my house wakes up to write a poem. Then it's off to bed!
my hours are pretty run of the mill as i have to up at 4 30 am.
that hour i said i'd find yesterday; i didn't. i got a little time today and was able to do somethin.
but it is hard to plan the time.
I just learned to write very quickly Smile

I have a good memory (for now, I'm expecting that to decline in coming years) and tend to compose in my head whenever I get a quiet few minutes -- the shower is actually quite good for this, believe it or not. Then it's a quick scribble down and a promise to come back to it later for a good going-over.
i remember almost everything and anything apart from poetry in my head and i refuse to walk around with a notebook licking my pencil lead
and jotting down nuggets of wisdom. when i'm in the shower or bath i like to just relax. i will do at least one poem for serious today Smile

The vigilant poet

I will do at least one serious poem today,
I promise to be vigilant so it doesn't get way,
at least before it begins to running,
I will curtail all my fun and relax in,
in the tub, rub a dub-dub!
Unless of course I get the blues,
then I'll just blame it on the muse.
After all, any port in the storm will do.

A lot of my postings are old stuff that I've revisited and updated, although the sestina the other night was a four or five hour evening shift which made me three hours late going to bed. Unfortunately, my daughter rang me at 5 am with a problem....damn, damn, damn.
(12-27-2011, 07:22 AM)grannyjill Wrote: [ -> ]A lot of my postings are old stuff that I've revisited and updated, although the sestina the other night was a four or five hour evening shift which made me three hours late going to bed. Unfortunately, my daughter rang me at 5 am with a problem....damn, damn, damn.

Off topic, but that last part made me spit. Funny stuff, Jill.
I don't sleep. And if it comes down to a choice betwixt writing and sleeping, I generally write. My manuscripts suffer more than my poetry, however.

David Hirt

Last year, as in 2010, I didn't write at all for the whole first semester of school... maybe 5 things of any worth. It was troubling. But I realized that when I'm not writing I'm still processing and being poetic. I don't force myself to write anymore. I don't know if I ever did. I keep notes and when I'm ready to write the time finds me.
i find it easy to leave bird crap on the page
but i'd like to make an effort now and again
i've started the sestina and realize that i not
only have a muse but it's laughing it's arse
off at me. i envy the note keepers. back to the sestina...i wrote
down six end rhymes and could do bugger all with them.
i'm now in my third attempt and doing it on the fly.

the vigilant poet. who was it that did at least a poem a day?

David Hirt

Sestinas are definitely tough. I've written two in my life and don't know if I'll ever do it again. Did you say you were trying to rhyme it? I've never seen them rhymed, only the same end words.
This one rhymes, David:

Sestina by Charles Algernon Swinburne

I haven't seen many, and most of the ones I have seen seem very forced due to the simple nature of the rhymes. Best to go unrhymed but still metered, in my opinion.
rhymed and same words. Sad
of late i've mainly being doing rhyme, though i did a none rhymed one in the for fun forum. i'm tending to look more at form than rhyme or non rhyme at the moment, i found that r4hyme like a form Smile